An unpublished tetartemorion from Syangela
Los 427
CARIA. Syangela (?). Circa 450-400 BC. Tetartemorion (Silver, 5 mm, 0.18 g, 3 h). Forepart of a lion to left. Rev. ΣY within square incuse. SNG Keckman -. SNG von Aulock -. Yarkin -. Apparently unpublished. A beautiful and nicely toned small coin of great interest. Good very fine.

The tentative attribution of this lovely tetartemorion to Syangela is based on the reverse ethnic and the stylistic similarities of the lion on the obverse to other small Carian silver coins, in particular to issues from nearby Knidos. Contrary to Yarkin, this cataloguer prefers to date the early silver coinage of Syangela to the 2nd half of the 5th century rather than to the early 4th century, a date which seems to be too late for its early Classical style and square reverse incusa
50 CHF
850 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 12-Dec-20, 16:33:00 CET
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